
What we are creating are "solutions".

We connect the knowledge and experience we have accumulated over the years with new ideas and ingenuity.
We at Wada Giken respond to our customers’ challenges with the power of machine development.

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About us

We are constantly challenging ourselves to create new ideas and innovations in the field of machine design and manufacturing, and we are committed to providing equipment of high quality and functionality that meets the needs of our customers.
We will contribute to the development of society by providing equipment of high quality and functionality that meets the needs of our customers.
Contribute to the development of society by providing equipment of high quality and functionality that meets the needs of our customers.



We believe that solving our customers’ problems is the real value that Wada Giken should provide.
Developing and providing equipment is our means to deliver our technology and experience as value to our customers. We have faced and solved a variety of challenges.
Please take a look at our case studies.


Machine design

We design machines with functions
that fulfill our customers' requirements.

Manufacture and assembly of machinery

We manufacture high precision and quality machines in our own factory.

Delivery and installation of machinery

We take full responsibility for the delivery and installation of the manufactured machines.

Maintenance and servicing of machinery

Routine maintenance and upkeep are also available

Repair and improvement of machinery

We can also repair and improve other machines not manufactured by our company.


さいの目切り          「キューブカッター」特許出願中

このゆでたまごスライサーは ワンプッシュでゆでたまごをキレイなキューブ状にカットできるスライサーです。 (特許出願中) ★オールステンレス ★水洗いOK ★ボタン1つで操作が簡単

業務用 ゆでたまごスライサー   「オートマテラス」特許取得済

特徴 ★1台で3種類の切断が可能 ★動力は単相 AC100Vのみ ★キャスタ付きで移動が簡単 ★基本スタート・ストップのみで操作が簡単 ★ゆでたまごの触れる部分は脱着可能 ★防水仕様なので水で丸洗いOK ★たまごの残量 ...

ゆでたまごスライサー      「ベルテカ PRO」特許取得済

食品切断用のマルチハンディースライサーです。主にゆでたまごのスライスを致します。 特徴 アタッチメントの付け替えで様々な形状にカット可能 多種多様なアタッチメントをご用意しております。 置いて押したら作業完了! たまごを ...


自動のスライサーです。 ゆでたまごの他に小さな果実の切断も可能です。 特徴 半自動・ハンディタイプで持ち運び簡単 手動での供給により、ゆでたまごや小さな果実など形状の異なる食品のスライスが 可能です。 ...
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